Stand full of newspapers

Title Trade

posted in: Content, WRCT 200 | 0

The purpose of this exercise is for you to reconsider how you have titled some of your reflections. Your colleagues can look at what you have written with an “outsider’s eye” and help you come up with stronger titles that attract your reader and keep your bounce rate low.

Part 1

  • Choose two reflections for which you could use assistance with your titles.
  • Write a short description of each at the bottom of a piece of paper provided to you in class.
  • As the papers circulate throughout the room, suggest titles for each of your classmates’ reflections. Fold over your suggestion before passing it to the next person.
  • When your own papers return to you, review the suggestions and star your favorite two.
  • When Rachael has set up the preference test, be sure to vote!

I liked getting quick feedback on the titles.

My favorite activity was the Title Trade. It was fun to see other people’s ideas and see their creativity.

Coming up with a good title is so hard, so getting more ideas is awesome.

The Title Trade forced me think creatively and gave me the push I needed for more creative titles to go along with my reflections.

The Title Trade helped a lot because I am always stuck on what title will interest a reader as well as what title makes sense for someone who is not familiar with my story.

I loved the title trade! I never knew titles could be so fun!

The title trade was very fun and inspired great ideas for all of my titles.

I liked the title trade the best. I think I was decent at coming up with titles and thought it was fun.

I loved the title trade because it allowed me to see all of the inspiration and creative minds in the class. It was also just great practice for the future as well.

I love the exercises where you can compare your work with what the rest of the class, its really inspiring and makes you learn through comparison. So the title trade was really fun and also you could compare and inspire yourself.

The title trade was so fun! hearing what people had to say for a title of my work was so interesting and gave such a new perspective from what I had.

Title trade was awesome. I would have never come up with a title on my own.

[The] Title trade … was the best class because we got to engage with each other and each other’s work. I was able to work on my creativity.

[The] Title trade … was the best class because we got to engage with each other and each other’s work. I was able to work on my creativity.