This exercise will help you review what you have done during your time at Wesleyan, both inside and outside of the classroom. Think broadly about your experiences, accomplishments, and failures and what those teach you about your interests, strengths, weaknesses. The longer the list, the more this exercise will help you during future exercises.
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I think the initial content inventory exercise was the most useful because it made me think long and hard about the experiences I’ve had while at Wesleyan. It was great to see my experiences and accomplishments on the page so that I could which ones to write about later.
It was very thought-provoking to think about what I have done thus far in Wes.
It was fun trying to think of everything I’ve done at Wes over the 3 years.
I think just organizing all of my experiences within the content inventory as allowed me to organize my thoughts and to understand how my experiences are significant in my life.
The content inventory exercise really helped me to decide which experiences over the past 3 years at Wes have been the most transformative and memorable in my college career. By writing these moments down I was able to think about other moments that did not come to mind at first and really find those stories that have great value for the portfolio that we have created.
The exercise that was the most useful was doing the content inventory workshop. This is because this allowed me to do the most reflection on what I’ve done at Wesleyan and what I have gained from it.
LOVE the content inventory, it is an amazing exercise and I wish I had been building it since freshman year!
I had to think hard about the small things I’ve done that still had a big impact.
I appreciated the content inventory because it allowed me to take a step back and consider all of the different types of projects and work I’ve engaged with throughout my time at Wesleyan.
The content inventory made it so that I never had writer’s block throughout the semester, I always had a long list of ideas and artifacts I could potentially write about.
The content inventory is always a great thing to look back to when I am deciding what I want to write for my reflections.
The Content Inventory was the most helpful because it allowed me the opportunity to really think about what assignments I’ve completed in the past and of those, which ones I really love.
The content inventory was the most helpful because it helped me lay out all of the activities, achievements, and struggles that I have had during my time at Wesleyan in a clear manner and I continuously referred to it throughout the course.
[The Content Inventory] was the first time that I sat down and really thought about everything I have accomplished while in college, as well as being able to connect each of these things with an artifact that could showcase the outcome of the project/assignment/etc.
It was nice to look back and see how random things I have, such as pictures and things laying around my room, all have a story with different meanings.
I’d probably say the content inventory was the most useful because it really forced me to brainstorm what I have done in the past few years, and all of the small successes I have made. All of the other exercises had to do with unpacking and re–packing the information that surfaced in the content inventory.
My favorite exercise this semester was likely the content inventory beczuse it was the first thing that really got me thinking about what I am interested in and what I have to offer in this class.
I have never sat down and thought about my Wes experiences and what I liked from them. It was cool to see it laid out in front of me.