Painting of fish grabbing bait.

Trailer Making

posted in: Content, WRCT 300 | 0

This exercise is intended to help you consider how you might condense a description of your project down to a minute by carefully choosing the right images, words, and sounds to represent your work.

  • Finding a video-making service that works for you. For this exercise, I would recommend Adobe Spark, but if you are comfortable with an alternative, that is fine, too.
  • Make a 90 second (or less) video that introduces your site to the world.
  • If you use images in your video, be sure to use ones that are free (e.g. no watermarks) and of high resolution.
  • If you use text on various frames, do not put too much text on any one frame. Your viewer won’t have time to read it!
  • Submit the link to your video through the exercise upload.

Made me think about my project in a different way.

The trailer viewings were cool because we got to see different people’s approaches to advertising their websites and offer comments on what we liked and what could be improved about each of the trailers.

I liked trailer making because it helped me synthesize information about my website.

Trailer-making was fun. It was among the shortest activities but I was able to have a good time being imaginative.

I enjoyed the trailer-making. I think it allowed for me to really think about the purpose of my website and while I won’t be using my trailer, it allowed for me to work with a new site to create trailers for future projects and also better understand how to keep people
engaged in my content.

I enjoyed the trailer-making exercise. I think it really helped me visualize what I wanted my website to be. It also helped me think about what I wanted people to get out of my website and how I would capture people’s attention.